


Do you have an old horse? Then you’ll undoubtedly be wondering how you can keep him happy and healthy for as long as possible. Making sure you can enjoy his ‘retirement’ years together.

But what is actually involved where looking after an old horse is concerned? What are the differences and what are the best ways of dealing with these? You will learn how you can guide your old horse most effectively in this special, in collaboration with specialists Veerle Vandendriessche, Pavo’s vet and nutritionist and Harrit van der Meer, vet at De Paardenkamp.

The topics which will be addressed are:

  • Which signals indicate your horse is starting to become an ‘oldie’?
  • Is my old horse at a healthy weight?
  • The most important focus points for your old horse.
  • Common diseases.
  • Old horses and roughage, in combination with the dental condition.
  • What do you need to pay attention to with supplementary nutrition?
  • Example rations for horses with good teeth, a reduced dental function or no dental function.
  • Training an old horse.

You can’t stop your horse from getting older. However, you can make sure that your horse can really enjoy his twilight years. This will ensure you can enjoy life to the fullest together! Once you’ve read this special, you’ll definitely be able to make sure your horse won’t be left wanting for anything, plus you’ll be able to make the necessary adjustments as and when the need arises.

Enjoy the read, Team Pavo