Pavo HealthBoost består af et omfattende udvalg af vitaminer, antioxidanter og prebiotika og giver derfor din hest et ægte boost. Vitamin E og CellProtect antioxidanterne sørger for at de frie radikaler neutraliseres, og bidrager derfor til immuniteten. Derudover bidrager præbiotika til en sund fordøjelse, hvilket er vigtigt, da fordøjelsen er forbundet med immuniteten.

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Pavo GutHealth is a supplement specially developed to optimally support your horse's digestion. Digestive problems have everything to do with an imbalance of intestinal bacteria, which prevents your horse from digesting food optimally. Consequences of this imbalance can include mucous membrane irritation, thin manure, diarrhoea, stomach problems and colic. If a horse, which is already too thin, cannot properly absorb the nutrients it receives, the chances that it will gain weight are not optimal. Pavo GutHealth helps to rebalance the bacterial population in the intestines and thus bring the absorption of nutrients to a good level

Pavo GutHealth is an ideal combination with fibre-rich products, such as Pavo SpeediBeet, FibreBeet or FibreNuggets. 

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Pavo GutHealth is a supplement specially developed to optimally support your horse's digestion. Digestive problems have everything to do with an imbalance of intestinal bacteria, which prevents your horse from digesting food optimally. Consequences of this imbalance can include mucous membrane irritation, thin manure, diarrhoea, stomach problems and colic. If a horse, which is already too thin, cannot properly absorb the nutrients it receives, the chances that it will gain weight are not optimal. Pavo GutHealth helps to rebalance the bacterial population in the intestines and thus bring the absorption of nutrients to a good level

Pavo GutHealth is an ideal combination with fibre-rich products, such as Pavo SpeediBeet, FibreBeet or FibreNuggets. 

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Pavo OmegaFit er en olie med en unik profil af omega 3-6-9 fedtsyrer.  Denne unikke profil sikrer, at der ikke kun opnårs et meget højt indhold af omega-fedtsyrer, men lige så vigtigt er det, at de også er i det rigtige forhold.  Pavo OmegaFit er rig på omega 3 fedtsyrer, som er kendt for at understøtte immunsystemet, og derudover indeholder Pavo OmegaFit også den gode omega-6-fedtsyre GLA (Gamme - linolensyre). Pga. denne sammensætning bidrager Pavo OmegaFit til immunsystemet, restitution, hud og pels, bevægelse og led.

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