Pavo GutHealth er et tilskud specielt udviklet til at understøtte din hests fordøjelige. Fordøjelsesproblemer har alt at gøre med en ubalance af tarmbakterier, som forhindrer din hest i at fordøje maden optimalt. Konsekvenserne af denne ubalance kan være irritation af slimhinderne, tyndt gødning, diarré, maveproblemer og kolik. Hvis en hest, der i forvejen er for tynd, ikke kan optage de næringsstoffer, den får, ordentligt, er chancerne for, at den vil tage på i vægt, ikke optimale. Pavo GutHealth hjælper med genoprette balance i bakteriepopulationen og dermed bringe optagelsen af næringsstoffer til et godt niveau.

Pavo GutHealth er en ideel kombination med fibrerige produkter, såsom Pavo SpeediBeet, FibreBeet or FibreNuggets. 

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Pavo GutHealth is a supplement specially developed to optimally support your horse's digestion. Digestive problems have everything to do with an imbalance of intestinal bacteria, which prevents your horse from digesting food optimally. Consequences of this imbalance can include mucous membrane irritation, thin manure, diarrhoea, stomach problems and colic. If a horse, which is already too thin, cannot properly absorb the nutrients it receives, the chances that it will gain weight are not optimal. Pavo GutHealth helps to rebalance the bacterial population in the intestines and thus bring the absorption of nutrients to a good level

Pavo GutHealth is an ideal combination with fibre-rich products, such as Pavo SpeediBeet, FibreBeet or FibreNuggets. 

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Pavo GutHealth is a supplement specially developed to optimally support your horse's digestion. Digestive problems have everything to do with an imbalance of intestinal bacteria, which prevents your horse from digesting food optimally. Consequences of this imbalance can include mucous membrane irritation, thin manure, diarrhoea, stomach problems and colic. If a horse, which is already too thin, cannot properly absorb the nutrients it receives, the chances that it will gain weight are not optimal. Pavo GutHealth helps to rebalance the bacterial population in the intestines and thus bring the absorption of nutrients to a good level

Pavo GutHealth is an ideal combination with fibre-rich products, such as Pavo SpeediBeet, FibreBeet or FibreNuggets. 

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Pavo SpeediBeet er letfordøjelig, sukkerfattig roefibre og er beregnet til heste med et sensitivt mave-tarmkanal og kan også fungere som delvis grovfodererstatning til heste med nedsat tandfunktion. Den er desuden også velegnet til heste med sensitiv mave og tarmsystem pga. pektinindholdet. For heste der har et udfordret tarmsystem er det vigtigt at udfodre gode fibre og holde sukker - og stivelsesindholdet på et moderat niveau. Pavo SpeediBeet indeholder ingen stivelsel og et sukkerindhold på kun 5%.

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