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If our horse is too thin, it is not a solution to simply increase the concentrate. Horses can only gain weight when they get enough fibre and protein. Protein and fibre are essential if your horse needs to gain weight.
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Concentrated, high-quality protein
A supplement solely for dietary protein deficit
Rich in essential amino acids (including lysine, methionine, threonine)
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Supports recovery of the body condition and muscle mass
Mix of alfalfa & highly valueable rice bran
Free of grains & Molasses low in sugar
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Supports recovery of the body condition and muscle mass
Mix of super fibres from SpeediBeet and alfalfa
Free of grains, very low sugar and starch
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Pavo ProteinPlus is a supplement, which is a highly concentrated source of protein. As it is rich in amino acids (i.e. lysine, methonine, threonine) shortage of protein in the ration can easily be recovered. If the roughage analysis showed that there is too little protein content in the roughage, ProteinPlus is the perfect product to add protein, and protein only. As a result, the rest of the ration will not be influenced but the lack of protein and the protein deficit will be balanced. If you are not in a position to do a roughage analysis, you can recognise a protein deficiency by a number of symptoms such as: poor hair and hoof quality, reduced resistance, muscle loss, developing oedema or tiring easily. Keep in mind that especially for horses with an increased protein demand, like pregnant/lactating mares, seniors, sport horses, growing horses and horses during recovery, it's important to keep up a good level of protein in order to remain healthy.
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Pavo ProteinPlusis a supplement, which is a highly concentrated source of protein. As it's is rich in amino acids (i.e. lysine, methonine, threonine) shortage of protein in the ration can easily be recovered. If the roughage analysis showed that there is too little protein conent in the roughage, ProteinPlus is the perfect product to add protein, and protein only. As a result, the rest of the ration will not be influenced but the protein lack and the Protein deficit now balanced. Especially for horses with an increased protein demand, like pregnant/lactating mares, seniors, sport horses, growing horses and horses during recovery, it's important to keep up a good level of protein in order to remain healthy.
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Pavo RiceBran is a natural, concentrated energy source that contains a high content of slow-release energy. This means that the energy becomes available to the body over a longer period of time, putting a constant, but light load on your horse's metabolism and preventing your horse from getting hot. Energy is an important element if your horse is too thin. If the horse takes in more energy than it uses, this will lead to an increase in weight. As Pavo RiceBran is so concentrated, you also only need to feed a small amount of it daily.
Despite its higher starch content, Pavo RiceBran is also suitable for horses with metabolic problems. This is because the starch in RiceBran does not come from grain and is well and gradually digested so there is no peak load on the glucose metabolism.
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Pavo WeightLiftis composed of alfalfa and ricebran, amongst others. Alfalfa is known as a source of protein and fibre, whereas rice bran is a valuable source of energy. The combination of protein, fibres and energy make Pavo WeightLift extremely suitable for horses (sport) horses with poor muscling and (older) horses that are too thin and need to gain weight in a healthy way. Pavo WeightLift contains a low sugar and starch content and is free from grains and molasses. The product can be fed dry and soaked.
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Pavo FibreBeet is a mixture of the desugared beetpulp named SpeediBeet (50%), enriched with proteins from alfalfa (30%) and easily digestible soy hulls (18%). This mix of fibres is extremely suitable for horses that need extra energy and protein. Therefore it fits perfectly in the ration of (sport) horses with poor muscling and (older) horses that are too thin and need to gain weight in a healthy way. Pavo FibreBeet also contains a very low sugar and starch content and is completely grain-free.
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